Friday, January 7, 2011


Well it's the start of the New Year and I believe that I should write out my New Years resolutions. Most of these are things that I have recently gotten in the habit of and want to continue throughout the New Year and others are ones I want to do better and ones I just want to start up anew. :)

Read my Scriptures everyday
Read the Sunday School and Relief Society lessons
Read the Book of Mormon again

Run a 10k
Eat healthier

Write a missionary every Sunday

So we will see which ones I will actually stick to. But most of them are ones that I have already started and it has been going super well, so none of these are out of reach. So excited to get started!

1 comment:

Marci said...

I heart your goals, all the days and all the nights. Congrats on writing them down and making them official.

Maybe in all my spare time this week I will work on the same thing! :D