Thursday, March 7, 2013

Conquer and Change

Sometimes I often wonder why some people always have to learn the hard way. Or they tend to run away from their problems instead of facing them. I know that when you constantly run away from trials and problems and never really figure out what you're supposed to learn, the Lord will keep giving you trials like that until you learn and change what you need to. So in reality you are not really running away from are really just prolonging it in some shape or form. Just something I have been thinking about. So important to always step back and ask yourself what the Lord could possibly want me to learn, and conquer it and become a better person. :) Just a random thought of know.... to keep my blog going.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Kate....How the heck are you?
I read your blogs every once in a while... And like always, it puts a smile on my face.
I'm sorry i've been a bad friend!! But I haven't forgotten you...