Friday, April 20, 2012

Another Post on.....LIFE!

So recently I have felt like things in my life were really starting to improve, on a lot of different fronts. I felt like I was frolicking happily through a sunny meadow such as this, and things were good great!

I hadn't run more than a few yards before I tripped and fell face down into this....

OOPS! Maybe our first response as we are lying in a pile of poo is to "know" that when we look there will be storm clouds with endless torrents of rain about to break forth. However, how many of us never realize that nothing in the world has changed at all. Just our own perspective. After all we can still look up and realize that the field is just as beautiful and the sun is still shining just as bright. We just need to wipe ourselves off and just keep going. After all President Monson does say that the, "Future is as bright as our faith." And I truly do believe it.

1 comment:

Melane said...